Congratulations to our attorney Jennelle Johnson. DHS - Juvenile Law Case.

Ms. Johnson represented a mother in a child abuse and neglect case in Juvenile court.  In these cases, it is common for many issues that affect a family to be of concern to the court.  It is crucial to ensure that the issues of concern are in fact true.  This is because the power of the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the court must be related to the issues of concern.  When the juvenile court and DHS are involved in a family, a plan is produced for what the family members must do to obtain the return of their child.  The more that needs to be done can often mean the longer it will take to get those things done - thus, the longer a child might be out of the family home.  Since that list of things to be done must be related to the issue of concern for the court, an attorney for a parent will want to ensure that the basis for the court's involvement is limited.  In this case, DHS was alleging (among other things) that our client had abandoned her child by leaving the child with our client's mother (child's grandmother) when our client was not able to care for her child.   Ms. Johnson successfully disproved that allegation by showing that the grandmother cared for the child, had the ability to obtain medical care for the child and to enroll the child in school.