Congratulations to John-Michael Thiesen on a Juvenile Court Trial Win

When the government removes children from a family the court proceeding that reviews the government’s actions is called ‘Juvenile Dependency.’  Mr. Thiesen represented a father in one of these proceedings.  The government alleged that 9 years prior to this case, the father committed a sex crime.  The government also alleged that there was domestic violence between father and mother. 

Mr. Thiesen proved that after Father was convicted, he then completed sex offender treatment and all of his terms of supervision.  Finally, on this issue, Mr. Thiesen proved that the prior conviction did not create any danger at all for his children.  Additionally, since the government was unwilling to comply with the court order Mr. Thiesen obtained requiring the government to share what interview reports they claim to have had regarding the allegation of domestic violence, the government could not offer such evidence at the trial – this is only fair, it is expected in all Oregon trials that if we have a report of an interview of a witness we must give a copy of that report to the opposition. 

Accordingly, the case against Mr. Thiesen’s client and his family was dismissed and the family reunited.