Ms. Cin’s client was accused of attacking a person just outside a store. After allegedly tackling the person, Ms. Cin’s client was accused of then getting into his car and trying to run the car into that person. At trial, Ms. Cin systematically challenged the accuracy of the witnesses’ observations. Ms. Cin ultimately showed that what was alleged to have been seen, could not actually have been seen. Through a careful evaluation of each piece of evidence, the allegations became unreliable. Accordingly, a Not Guilty finding was made on all the charges. As a side note, Ms. Cin’s client was a person who vocally expressed his dislike of many categories of people in our community – including categories to which Ms. Cin finds herself included. Despite his fervent dislike of people like Ms. Cin and his wish to deprive them of their freedom, she fought to protect him and obtained his complete freedom. This is what criminal defense attorneys do; defend everyone’s freedom.